lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Anowon, el sabio de las ruinas

Anowon is the scion of powerful vampire family in Malakir. He is an expert on ruins, runes, and ancient languages. In his relentless search for answers, he has left a trail of corpses from Tazeem to Akoum. In settlements around Zendikar, Anowon is considered a renowned mage and benevolent scholar who leads expeditions from his base camp in mountains of Akoum. With the help of his followers, he's cultivated an image of himself as an expert in ruins and arcane languages—the man to go to with strange relics and hard questions. But there are others who speak of Anowon's treachery. Many call him a thief and a murderer. In Malakir, vampires believe that Anowon is a ruthless power-seeker, yet they view him with grudging respect.

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